Brian Carr's Early Family Years


Brian Carr's Early Family Years

Click on any of the little pictures to see it full size (as big as it goes).

Here is a picture of my youngest son, Jay, before he was self conscious about pictures. Jay, 1985. Here is Herman, mom's miniature dachsun when we were visiting my mom in 1985. Herman, 1985.
I was working at IBM research in 1987 and must have had a serious drinking problem (even at work). Can you see why? Brian's office. Here is a picture of Aunt Olga (Al's wife), Aunt Emily, and Uncle Al when we visited Al in 1989. Olga, Emily, and Al.
Here is one my aerobic dance buddies, Rochelle. I took this picture at the dinner after a training seminar. Rochelle. This in Janci, Rochelle's sister. She is also an aerobic dance buddy. This picture is from the same dinner. Janci.
Here is another aerobic dance buddy, Mary. She was my regional supervisor. She is still in Albany, but working for the V.A. after A.D.I. folded. There are pictures of her condo in my R.P.I. trip. Mary. Here are Arnold and Esther, my semi-adopted parents in L.I.. I met them as part of the Jewish chapel squad at West Point. I have pictures of their daughters from those years. Arnold and Esther.
While Barbara and I were getting divorced, I joined Mensa. Here I am at a Haloween party in my West Point dress grays. They still fit me fine even now. Brian, 1989. There was Mensa beach outing on the Long Island sound. Here I am enjoying the water. Brian, 1990.
This page was last updated on August 16, 2005.