Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1975 Charleston, SC and Jamestown, VA

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

Charleston, SC. =0= Charleston, SC. =0=
Above, here and below are more piotures from the Charleston area. Charleston, SC. =0=
Charleston, SC. =0= Charleston, SC. =0=
Charleston, SC. =0= Jamestown, VA. =0=
Above is a picture of the bridge out of Charleston and the rest of these pictures are from historic Jamestown, VA. Jamestown, VA. =0=
Jamestown, VA. =0= Jamestown, VA. =0=
Jamestown, VA. =0= Jamestown, VA. =0=
Here are more pictures from historic Jamestown, VA. Jamestown, VA. =0=
Jamestown, VA. =0= Jamestown, VA. =0=
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This page was last updated on December 25, 2007.