Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1976-77 M.I.T., Cambridge, MA

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0= M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
The above pictures appear to be from around M.I.T. (from the rolls they were on), though I am not sure. The one on the left might be from the entry way under the great dome. The next is almost certainly from Boston with a ghost building in the background. Where did that come from? Here are pictures of some of the modern art that was on the grounds in the academic area on the way to the Sloan school (of business) where they taught the best Operating Systems (or OS) courses. Great fun. M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0= M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0= M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
My brother was working on the security system for a nuclear plant being built in Pennsylvania. Most of the work was in Dallas, but there were also several trips to the NE. He visited me a few times. Just inside on the newer academic buildings (that I never had classes in) they had this way cool face sculpture which is shown here and below. M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0= M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0= M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
Above are a couple of pictures of the view of the auditorium and chapel from Will's room in Ashdown house (the second was during a second snow storm). Here is a picture of the chapel and student center. Below are a couple of pictures of the view of Massachusetts Avenue from my room, the second also during the second storm. M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0= M.I.T., Cambridge, MA =0=
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This page was last updated on January 7, 2008.