Travels, Life in Albany, 2009

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The Albany Sufi Dance Circle (Universal Dances of Peace) only dance once a month, but there is a circle that dances on the first Friday of each month in New Paltz, NY (a bit more than an hour south of Albany) at the The Living Seed Yoga Center. It is a very nice space and wonderful circle, but it is a bit of a drive. The Living Seed Yoga Center, New Paltz, NY. =0=
Edison Dr, Albany, NY. =0= Edison Dr, Albany, NY. =0=
Here are pictures of the living room and dining room where I live now that it is furnished. I got sheets to cover the upholstery furniture as the pets (Max and Cat) enjoy them too. They were $1 a piece at the Salvation Army (which has really great prices). Edison Dr, Albany, NY. =0=
Emmet St Build. =0= Emmet St Build. =0=
The build on Emmet Street is nearing completion. There was a big set of volunteers from a girl's high school (almost 20) and they were set to digging out the area for the driveway and sidewalk (above). We finished up things on the interior. They had good spirit, but the lower section turned out to be mostly gravel and rubble (bricks and cement) from the previous house which had burned out. It was tough digging and they didn't have anyone who was comfortable with a pickaxe. There is a technique to swinging a pickaxe to break up the area and that was what was required. On later days another group of volunteers dug out and broke up the old driveway and the old foundation (the remnants are also shown above). We came back and dug out the lower section of the driveway, put up the forms. Emmet St Build. =0=
Dick, Joe, Dennis, and his daughter. =0= Emmet St Build. =0=
Joe had been a Tuesday regular, but hadn't been around lately. Above is Dick, Joe, Dennis, and his daughter. His daughter and his son often visit during lunch (I presume it is after school for them). The cement truck was available (we asked for it in the morning) and drove up on the lawn to be (above and in a short video). We started pouring the walk, first the farthest section and then the nearer section. Then Frank finished the first walk section while they poured the second. The we finished the second walk section (below). Emmet St Build. =0=
Emmet St Build. =0= Emmet St Build. =0=
After that we poured drive with the driver slowly backing up the truck while swinging the chute in an arc. Then we finished the drive. The driveway had some slope and so the concrete tended to shift down hill until it set (making finishing more challenging). During the pour, Ralph and Dennis put in the flooring in the living room (to the right) into the kitchen (to the left) with extensions into the hallway as required so the other rooms can be done later. Emmet St Build. =0=
Emmet St Build. =0= Emmet St Build. =0=
Here is the driveway a week later with the tools truck on it. Emmet St Build. =0=
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This page was last updated on December 9, 2009.