On February 20, 2002, I went by Labor Ready in Pasadena, TX
at 5AM and got an assignment before 6AM. However, the assignment didn't
start until 9AM. It was at the Lowe's Hardward at Beltway 8 and Fairmont
Parkway in Pasadena (and shown here). |
I met Mark from the vendor Griffin Sales and Service. We
set up a nice display for their curtain rods and such (or I guess I
should say nicer, but the one before had the same hardware displayed,
but it was in the grey and blue of Lowe's and looked very warehouse
like (the beams of the warehouse shelves were showing, for example). |
Here is the result of our labor (six hours for me).
Mark works out of Beaumont, TX (about an hour East of Houston) and
goes to various Loew's to set up these displays. He is married for seven
years and has step kids (12 and older) via his wife. She is a Correctional
Officer as he was before he started working for Griffin Sales and Service.
Tomorrow he should be picking me up at Labor Ready and we will drive out
to another Lowe's further on. |
Here is the way the curtain rod displays look before we start
working. They are pretty new displays, but the new ones make it easier to
see the sample hardware (it is lower) and cover much of the warehouse shelving
(as you can see). We did another Lowe's today (Feb 21) and should do another
one tomorrow. Today we also updated their special displays of 'How To'
books with a new book on landscaping and a new display. Then, on Monday
Mark headed to Atlanta, GA to interview to be regional manager. He had
already interviewed with his potential new manager in Oklahoma so this was
his meeting with the rest of the people at headquarters. He must have done
well as he got he job. I think we will make a very good regional manager. |
On February 22 we did a third Lowe's. Then in the evening I
went to a 'Dollar' theater I had noticed close to Wal-Mart (it is on
Southmore further East of Labor Ready). It is actually $1.50, but it
is a six plex, so they had several movies that had done pretty well four
to six months ago. As I wasn't wathcing many movies then, it seems
like I am getting the cream of the crop at a discount price. The next
week there was no work for me on Monday and Tuesday, but I was able to help Mark
out again the last three days of the week as he finished things up before formally
taking over as regional manager. |
On weekends I often head over to Rice University. This is the view
from the Founder's Court of the main administration building. Through the portal
you can see their library. I checked out several of the colleges and universities
in Houston and most of the universities restrict internet access to students and
faculty. Drats. The community colleges have excellent access, but are mostly
closed on weekends. |
This is the view of the Rice library from the portal shown above.
Rice University library has great hours (open a lot on weekends though nothing is
open Sunday morning). They also provide excellent internet access (lots of
computers with speedy access) though they restrict access to e-mail to the public
(students and faculty have unrestricted access I presume). |
They do that by blocking access to the common web based e-mail
providers. So, I couldn't access my e-mail on iname.com. They even prevent
http redirection by editing iname.com and juno.com out of transmitted text
(so I had to edit these pages to get those text strings up to the web server).
They also selectively block access to yahoo.com, but only the web based e-mail
as far as I can tell.... This is the view to the right side along the interior
of the main building (where the picture above was from). |
The public access computers at Rice University library don't block
access to opensourcerules.info, my son's web design company's URL. Can you imagine
why that would be? Anyway, for now I am shifting my e-mail to yahoo.com (as
iname.com no longer provides e-mail forwarding without fees) and having it
forwarded to opensourcerules.info. We will hope that opensourcerules.info stays
below Rice's radar until after I leave. After you walk through the portal above
and get halfway to the library, this is the view to your right rear of one of
the more decorative building at Rice (all in the style they seem to prefer). |
Those arches in the picture open onto a very pretty hallway.
Rice University seems to have an eye for interesting arrangements of arches. |
This is the rear view of the main building at Rice. It looks
more ornate on the rear side than it does to the 'front', but that is probably
because the rear went straight across and had less trees blocking its view. |
As you are about to enter the library, to your right is yet
another interesting hallway with lots of nice arches. |
It seems to be a tradition to have bridal pictures taken in
those arched hallways at Rice as every weekend when I visit there are usually
one or two brides have their pictures taken by professional photographers.
They all look most lovely, of course. |