Note: This letter is as sent to the Clark Count Superior Court except that all identifying information for my former wife has been replaced with her first name, Karyn, as the normal references on my web pages are to first name only. Signatures are shown in italics.

Brian Carr
11301 NE 7th St, Apt J5
Vancouver, WA 98684

Mr. Amran and the Honorable Harris, Eiesland, Melnick, Osler, and Schreiber
Clark County Courthouse
1200 Franklin Street
Vancouver, WA 98660

Dear Sirs / Madam, August 19, 2006

As you may know, I am a party in two RCW 26.50 (domestic violence) cases, 04-2-08824-4 and 04-2-08908-9 which were appealed (Case 32671-0-II) and are the subject of a Petition for Review before the Washington Supreme Court (78768-9). One of the questions raised was the jurisdiction of Clark County Superior Court Commissioners to hear RCW 26.50 matters.

In order to apprise the Supreme Court of the current status of this question, I have obtained copies of orders appointing the Honorable Eiesland, Melnick, Osler, and Schreiber as Family Court Commissioners under RCW 26.12 for 2006 dated February 1, 2006. I am seeking additional input:

  1. Have Superior Court Commissioners stopped hearing RCW 26.50 matters?
  2. Have there been any other orders made appointing said individuals as Superior Court Commissioners in 2006?
Your attention to these matters is appreciated.

Brian P Carr
Brian P. Carr

cc: Karyn
This page was last updated on August 27, 2006.