Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

Nur, Basale, Elif, and Niyozi. =0= Brian, Basale, Elif, and Niyozi. =0=
We enjoyed the view from the top of the hill. Above are Nur, Basale, Elif, and Niyozi and myself with Basale, Elif, and Niyozi. Niyozi, Brian, Basale, and Elif. =0=
Istanbul, Turkey. =0= Istanbul, Turkey. =0=
Cable Car, Istanbul, Turkey. =0= Cable Car, Istanbul, Turkey. =0=
We walked up the hill, but decided to take the cable car down (allowing me to experience another form of Istanbul public transportation). These particular cable cars are a matched pair that balance each other (sort of like a funiculr). As we were a largish group and wanted to all be in the same car, we waited for the other set so we could all be together. I made a short video of its arrival. Cable Car, Istanbul, Turkey. =0=
Niyozi, Nur, Brian, and Basale. =0= Cable Car, Istanbul, Turkey. =0=
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This page was last updated on March 16, 2012.