Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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Ellora Caves, India. =0= Ellora Caves, India. =0=
Cave 10 was most impressive. There was an image of Buddha and a stupa to circumambulate. The details were amazing. The columns and such had joints as if they built from wood. So cool! There was also a second floor gallery which allowed me to get this picture. Below is the entrance to the second floor gallery. Ellora Caves, India. =0=
Ellora Caves, India. =0= Ellora Caves, India. =0=
Ellora Caves, India. =0= Ellora Caves, India. =0=
The upstairs gallery was locked when we got there, but Lamala asked to get a security guard to unlock it. Above is the guard who did that (and watched over the gallery while we were there). Then we were off to cave 14, a shrine based on Hindu mythology. Ellora Caves, India. =0=
Ellora Caves, India. =0= Ellora Caves, India. =0=
Ellora Caves, India. =0= Ellora Caves, India. =0=
There were several members of the group who needed to go find a bathroom, sothey went with the guide. I didn't need to go right then and so headed back to cave 12 which we had skipped. It was quite impressive with more than three levels. It was the last of the Buddhist caves. Ellora Caves, India. =0=
Ellora Caves, India. =0= Ellora Caves, India. =0=
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This page was last updated on March 26, 2012.