On Jun 14, 2001, we met at the Bronx Diner again. Altogether there were ten of us. Here are Susan (one of the organizers) and Darcy(?). |
I sat next to Susan and Vic. Here is Vic. He is had been a police offier and now is a social worker. |
My son, David, joined us and took this picture of me (Brian) and Susan. At last, proof that I really do attend these events. |
David took a picture of me and Vic, but I was looking really goofy (typical) and the other picture of me was nicer. So, here's Vic again. |
Bob (?, Darcy's husband?) and Claire (the other organizer of the event) sat opposite Darcy and Susan. Claire is a programmer. This picture did not turn out very well, but I didn't have any be
tter. Drats. |
Next to Bob and Claire (left end) were my son David (another programmer) and Marla, a social worker. |
After dinner I gave plants to various attendees. As I will be travelling, I need to find homes for all my plants (they won't fare well in storage). However, the parking lot was dark so the pi
cture is not very good. |
Here is a better picture of Marla (David was cut out as the other picture was a better picture of him. |