Click on any of the little pictures to see it full size (as big as it goes).
The organizer of the Startegy Game Group has moved to NJ. We visited his new apartment. |
We started with a small group of two (three when I arrived). Here is Ryan playing Quintillion. Ryan is a programmer for a NJ internet security company. |
Peter (left, an accountant) and I played Quintillion with Ryan. Good visualization skills help with this game. |
Here is Peter concentrating on the board. I got lucky (must be beginner's luck) and won in the final phase after a dismal start. |
Later Greg and Celiane joined us play a movie casting game. I forgot the name of it. Do you know? |
Mark (Celiane's husband) and Mike joined us in the casting game. We ended the evening less Celiane, Mark, and Peter with a fun card game, Guillotine |