Trip to Korea

There is a voice description of each slide that you can listen to while looking at the slides. It is from the cassette tapes we made almost thirty years ago. I was pretty long winded (no rehearsals or editting and tapes were cheap) and the section for this page is about four minutes and will take about a minute to download with a dial up connection. So might you not want to get it unless you have a broadband connection to the internet.

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

From the top of the tower you also got a very good view of Bangkok. In the foreground here is the Royal palace which we visited later. Below are pictures of Wat Poh which means Temple Poh. It had many shrines and pagodas and covered five acres or so. Some of the sections were not in very good repair while others were in better condition. On the left below is one of the statues that you would see as you went through one of the entrance gates. It would be about 12 feet tall. On the right is the same gateway but from further away. The statues are particularly ferocious looking to scare away evil spirits we presumed. Water towers. =0=
Wat Poh. =0= Wat Poh. =0=
The shrines and temples in Thailand really impressed us because of the really detailed decorations and bright colored tiles that they used. It reminded us of ginggerbread decorations. Below on the left is another gateway with Barbara standing by one of the She She dogs. Also below is a bell in its own little tower. Wat Poh. =0=
Wat Poh. =0= Wat Poh. =0=
Wat Poh. =0= Wat Poh. =0=
Above are a couple of pictures of a really impressive shrine. Instead of ordinary colored tile roofs, their tile is glazed ceramic tiles. As you can see here they had some really huge doors and lots of gold leaf decorations. Wat Poh. =0=
Wat Poh. =0= Wat Poh. =0=
Above on the left are some doors and She She dogs that impressed us. On the right there are couple of lesser pagodas that struck us. There so many impressive structures. Here is a scale model of Wat Poh. Wat Poh is the largest temple in Thailand and was really huge. Wat Poh. =0=
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This page was last updated on November 11, 2005.