Trip to Korea

There is a voice description of each slide that you can listen to while looking at the slides. It is from the cassette tapes we made almost thirty years ago. I was pretty long winded (no rehearsals or editting and tapes were cheap) and the section for this page is about seven minutes and will take about three minutes to download with a dial up connection. So might you not want to get it unless you have a broadband connection to the internet.

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

This picture is from the same garden as before. Thai Royal Palace. =0=
This garden was just outside this building. Below you can get some perspective on the size of the buildings as there are a couple of buildings being built or repaired. Those aren't tiny men working on the roof there, that is one massive roof. In the next picture you can see the tiles that they would use for the roof. Thai Royal Palace. =0=
Thai Royal Palace. =0= Thai Royal Palace. =0=
Thai Royal Palace. =0= Thai Royal Palace. =0=
As you can see above on the left, at the Royal Palace they often decorate the peaks of roofs with murals of colored mirrors which are quite impressive in the light. The picture on the right and here is from a more typical Thai Buddhist temple with white plaster and gold leaf decorations. Below on the left is a really massive set of doors that would be about thirty feet tall and six feet across. It is hard to imagine who you would even open such large doors (presumably they are hung very well, but that must be a really challenging operation). They are also decorated in incredible detail with mother of pearl which is black lacquer with polished abolone shells embedded in the lacquer. This was a quite common type of decoration but we never saw such massive and detailed mother of pearl. The other slide below is of the same building but the windows which are decorated in the same fashion with the same incredible detail. Thai Royal Palace. =0=
Thai Royal Palace. =0= Thai Royal Palace. =0=
This picture is from the same building and is a close up of the base of one of the pillars. Every part of the temple/shrine is decorated with such care and detail. The sides of the pillar are murals; this one seems to be ceramic tiles rather than colored mirrors. The edges are decorated with jewels imbedded in plaster and gold leaf. On the interior of the temple there was often stained glass done with very good effect as you can see below on the left. Further inside would be a statue of Buddha as below on the right, this one is not so large on a high raised platform with many flowers around the base. Thai Royal Palace. =0=
Thai Royal Palace. =0= Thai Royal Palace. =0=
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This page was last updated on November 16, 2005.