Trip to Korea

There is a voice description of each slide that you can listen to while looking at the slides. It is from the cassette tapes we made almost thirty years ago. I was pretty long winded (no rehearsals or editting and tapes were cheap) and the section for this page is about three minutes and will take about one minutes to download with a dial up connection. So might you not want to get it unless you have a broadband connection to the internet.

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

These are columns in the Roman Forum. Beyond the forum and further up the hill was a residential area. You couldn't get very close or get very good pictures, but below are what I was able to get. They were quite large and built of red brick. Roman Forum. =0=
Roman Forum Residential Area. =0= Roman Forum Reisdential Area. =0=
This is the triumphal arch that is just outside the Coliseum. Perhaps it was the Constantive Triumphal Arch. Triumphal Arch. =0=
This is a view of the front of the coliseum itself. In this section there are four tiers. Below on the left is a side / middle section where it is only three tiers in height and next to that is a view of the back section. Coliseum. =0=
Coliseum. =0= Coliseum. =0=
You can enter the Coliseum from the side and once inside there are areas where you can walk around the outer area. We ate our peanut butter sandwich lunch and Barbara had some old Italian bread that she didn't want and fed to the cats which was probably what they were waiting around for, just some suckers to come along and feed them. Coliseum. =0=
As you continued inside this would be the view across the center of the Coliseum. Below are pictures of what you would see if you looked from the edges into the center. Presumably this section would have been covered over to provide a flat surface for whatever entertainment there was with these as tunnels and such for access to whatever what was needed. Coliseum. =0=
Coliseum. =0= Coliseum. =0=
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This page was last updated on December 30, 2005.