We stopped at several towns along the way. Along the right here are the docks to one of these towns. Below on the left is one of the many beautiful passes that we went through and next to that is one of the towns. We kept expecting the ferry to loop back, but after an hour and a half we actually checked the schedule and discovered that at the last stop we had passed the last point where we could take a different boat back. So we stayed on the original ferry for another hald an hour and spent the lay over time (half an hour) getting bread for our lunch and wlaking around the town. | ![]() |
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We were on the ferry for about four hours and so took many pictures of the scenery. It was all most impressive, but after a few hours it was more difficult to really appreciate. What to do? Here is one of the mountains we passed. Below on the left are some swans and ducks in the water. Next that is one of several towns we stopped at. A few people would get off and get on at each stop with a view of a mountain (not snow covered). | ![]() |
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As you can see in this picture and the pictures below there were many beautiful scenes with pristine water, nice fog and clouds, ..... | ![]() |
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And still more pictures from the ferry are shown above. It was getting late by the time we got back and this is the last picture from Switzerland. Before we had arrived in Switzerland, Barbara had raved about a particularly fine chocolate that she and her family had enjoyed when she had visited Switzerland when she was in High School. She couldn't remember the name, but when we got to Switzerland she recognized it as Frigor chocolate. The Swiss really love chocolate and have a wide selection at all the candy stores. We tried several of the chocolates and Frigor was by far the superior chocolate (I learned later that it is a filled chocolate bar with an almond paste but you really have to taste it to appreciate how fine it is). So, as we were leaving Switzerland and taking the train through France there was a layover where they detached the Swiss national engines and attached Frensh national engines. While we were waiting I counted up the change we had left. In each country I liked to keep some coins and from Israel and Italy we had huge handfuls of coins which had very little value. However, from Switzerland we had only a few coins and I counted up the value as $12, which Barbara thought was a little excessive. Both Israel and Italy had had high inflation and so there coins had very little value and you needed lots of them. Switzerland had very little inflation and so their largest coin was worth about $4. Well you can't really change coins outside of a country, so just before our train left I dashed to convert the last of our Swiss coins. We were concerned that the train might leave before I finished and so had plans that I would take the next train and we would meet again in Paris. Anyway, I bought about five Frigor candy bars which were happy to ahve later and converted the rest of our Swiss money to French Francs. I made it back to the train on time. I only had about five Swiss coins that were worth about $3 while from Italy and Israel I had handfuls of coins worth about eighty cents. I ran back to the train and got on about ten seconds before it pulled away and I got to the car where Barbara and the luggage was just as it started moving so we had quite a fright. However, after it pulled out it only went about a hundred yards before it stopped again and waited for another ten or fifteen minutes so I probably could have found it anyway, but that would have been quite exciting. Anyway, we took the train straight through France and the next pictures are from England. | ![]() |
This page was last updated on January 26, 2006.