Brian Carr's Departure
Click here to see my Detroit series.
Click on any of the little pictures to see it full size (as big as it goes).
It was quite a task sorting through all my stuff and sorting it into six
piles: throw away, recycle, give away, long term storage (stuff I am sure I
won't need for three years), short term storage (stuff I might need but don't
expect to need like some financial records) and stuff to take with me. It
turned out to take quite a lot of time and energy, but was very freeing at
the same time. Here is my living room when it was all empty (facing the stairs down). |
Here is my 5'x10'x10' (high) storage area. Completely full to the top except at the entrance. It was daunting doing the final packing in my car and, then, accessing my computer one last time to get two computer spread sheets with cumul
ative tax information. Doh! I didn't leave until almost 3PM on August 29 and headed out U.S. Route 6 (taking the scenic route until I am close to Detroit). |
Here is my new living quarters. My first stop was in Tawanda, PA. I stopped
at the police station there as it was getting dark and asked about sleeping in
my car. He said that they have an ordinance against it, but that he couldn't
tell me the wording as they have never cited it. He suggested a place that I
spend the night (out of the way and quiet). I had dinner (left over food from
my apartment) and used the rest room there. When I first crawled into my new
bed I wasn't very comfortable for a few minutes, but by morning I had come to
love my new quarters. Just the right size and, with the air mattress, ever
so comfortable. I love it! How do you like my cocoon? Do you want to guess
what I will be when I complete my metamorphasis? |
I made good progress on August 30 and arrived in Lorraine, Ohio just before
dark. I stayed in the parking lot behing their City Hall/Police Department
complex. When I asked the clerk on duty about sleeping in my car, she said that I
shouldn't. When I inquired further, she made a copy of my driver's license (I.D.)
and then she explained that there wasn't actually an ordinance against sleeping
in cars, but they ask people to move if anyone complains. |
Here is my car behind the building in the parking lot. As Friday was my day
to exercise, I started doing my areobics in the parking lot. I started late
(7:30AM) and people were coming in before I finished. Just as I was finishing my
cool down, three police cars and five officers pulled up as in a drug bust or
something. They asked what I was doing (my exercises) and checked my I.D. and
registration. They said that someone in the building had reported my activities
and that it looked strange (I agreed). They then left and let me finish up. |