Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1979 Washington, D.C.

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In Washington, D.C., the Mormons (or Church of the Latter Day Saints) have a really large and impressive temple that overlooks the beltway (the interstate loop around D.C.). They seem to have done that in several major cities. Anyway, it always intrigued my so I took this picture and the one below. D.C. Mormon Temple. =0=
D.C. Mormon Temple. =0= D.C. Mormon Temple. =0=
The temple looks a little surreal, appearing to almost float above a tree covered hill which the beltway winds around. The straight lines coming up from the base hidden by trees helps create that effect. D.C. Mormon Temple. =0=
D.C. Mormon Temple. =0= D.C. Mormon Temple. =0=
I assume that the Mormons use the interest generated in their impressive temples as a way of introducing people to their teachings. However, whatever the reason, it is an interesting structure. D.C. Mormon Temple. =0=
D.C. Mormon Temple. =0= D.C. Mormon Temple. =0=
Here are more pictures of the Mormon temple from around the building. D.C. Mormon Temple =0=
D.C. Mormon Temple =0= D.C. Mormon Temple =0=
D.C. Mormon Temple =0= D.C. Mormon Temple =0=
I am not sure where this picture is from. The grounds where very nice also and I assume that these pictures were from there, though I don't remember for sure. Tree. =0=
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This page was last updated on February 23, 2008.