Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1981, Adelphi, MD

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

Polar Bears =0= Polar Bears =0=
Above are polar bears, perhaps from the D.C. zoo. Here is Sarah and her mom Linda. Below is Sarah in traditional Korean dress clothes. Sarah and Linda =0=
Sarah =0= Sarah =0=
Sarah and Linda =0= Mr. Yeam, Sarah and Linda =0=
Here are more pictures of Sarah, Linda and Mr. Yeam. Sarah =0=
Mr. Yeam =0= Mr. Yeam =0=
Our House, Adelphi, MD =0= Our House, Adelphi, MD =0=
Here are pictures of our house in Adelphi, MD. Above is the view of our house from the street. Here is our garden along the backyard. The center plants are asparagus. They like good drainage, so I dub down three feet and filled with mulch and such and also dug a trench down to the lawn level where I put down gravel before refilling. It worked quite well at draining the garden. Below are pictures of the living room with 'garage sale' furniture. It didn't look stylish, but it was comfortable. Later we upgraded with new furniture but this was a cheap and easy way to get something to live with. Our House, Adelphi, MD =0=
Adelphi, MD =0= Adelphi, MD =0=
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This page was last updated on March 25, 20088