At Active Moving they have brought on new staff. Amanda is our new receptionist.
Here she is shown at her desk helping Harry, one of our sales people. Her work
area is just behind the entry way. |
As Active expanded its staff, they moved the sales people into offices
upstairs. Here is Harry's new office upstairs. It has a window that overlooks
the warehouse as well as one that looks outside. |
Here is Harry. |
Cimbre, one of the move coordinators got an expanded work area as well as
moving to the window. Here she is with another of the back office people,
Michelle, who I never got a picture of before. |
Here is Kara in her new cubicle. She moved from the recpetion area to
Cimbre's old area (but opened up). She has taken on many new responsibilities
though she does sometimes answer the phone. |
They also hired a new sales person, Mike. We'll call him Mike the sales
person (as there are lots of Mike's at Active Moving). |
Another sales person is Mick, shown here taking a call. |
Karyn has an apple tree in her back yard (shown here). It was dropping lots of
apples into the yard, which is not such a good thing as they rot and attract
yellow jackets. I picked up all the ones on the ground as well as the ones
on the tree and buried the smallest ones and ones that were rotting/eaten (that was about two thirds).
The remainder I sorted for cooking apples (apple pies). |
Karyn also has a pear tree. Its pears seem to never ripen, they are
sour and woody and not so good for eating. However. they make great pies
when they are cooked down with brown sugar and cinnamon. |
Next to the pear tree is my pumpkin patch (four plants). One of those
pumpkins is over a foot in diameter. They are all grown from seeds that
I saved from last years Jack-O-Lantern and pie pumpkins. I hope to
keep the seeds from these pumpkins for truly 'home made pumpkin' pies. |