Life in Portland, 2008

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Columbia Gorge, Oregon. Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
Most of these pictures were taken on the return trip. Rick, Joellen and I had a good time discussing politics and such and so we didn't switch drivers or anything for the return. I was in the back seat and able to get nice pictures of the river and scenery (they are presented in reverse order, though). Below is the John Day Dam and if you look close you can see the fish ladder (for the salmon) and a lock for barges. Cool. Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
Columbia Gorge, Oregon. Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
Columbia Gorge, Oregon. Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
Here you can see a barge on the river. That got me looking for the lock for barges (above). Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
Columbia Gorge, Oregon. Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
The terrain was rolling hills with prairie / desert and quite beautiful in its own way. Below are cattle grazing. All of the exits from the interstate had cattle gratings and the interstate was not grazed like the fields just beyond the fence. Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
Columbia Gorge, Oregon. Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
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This page was last updated on November 17, 2008.