I also wanted to sit in on the arraignments of people who were being held for violations of Orders of Protection. They are handled by Judge Schreiber. This is the entrance to his court room which is on the ground floor (in the basement for many people). You can get into the hallway here for his and a Superior Court Judge's Court Room. However, the Court Room itself is locked until they start the session and no pictures are permitted. These two court rooms seem to have controlled access from the jail which is just across the way. Hence no pictures (allows people to plan prison breaks, I presume). | ![]() |
For a few days they wouldn't let me bring my camera into the Court House. Media only. However, a few days after I inquired as to how I could bring my camera in, they changed the policy, possibly because it is too difficult to say what the media is.... This is the entrance to the court room proper, but as you can see, there is a double door so no pictures of the court room layout... | ![]() |
At work we have had a couple of Account Executives (AEs) move on, Joel and Ryan (who I never got a picture of, drats). Darrel has moved to the EMT (who finalizes approval of any mailing as a last QA step). Dennis had moved to Philadelphia but remained at AE. He has since moved back as a Senior AE. They have also hired new people at last. This is Kyle, the newest AE. He sits in area behind where the EMT team sits and which used to be the area for support people. They have all been moved to the eighth floor which we have taken over. | ![]() |
As the AE's have taken over a new area, there is space in their old area. Here is Dan sitting in Matt's old cubicle as he has moved back to Ryan's area (above) with Claire. | ![]() |
Meanwhile, Steven has temporarily joined our group and is now sitting where Candi used to sit at the back of our area. Candi gets migraines and doesn't like bright lights so she has moved to the 'cave' area just across from our area. Steven has been with us for ages, mostly with Professional Services which managed high level customer contacts, but he was quite technical and seems interested in honing his technical skills. | ![]() |
This is Patricia. She is sitting in Brandy's old cubicle at the front of the old AE's area while Brandy has moved back the new area with Matt, Claire, and Kyle. Patricia is a project manager helping pull together the resources to get a new client up and running on the old Yesmail.com mailing system which we call Enterprise and to which we are migrating our old @Once.com clients. | ![]() |
Meanwhile, on 5th Avenue they have been ripping up the old Transit Mall (where buses accumulated for easy transfers) and putting in a new light rail line which is call the Max. | ![]() |
Here is another picture of light rail construction. Below are pictures of the construction of the parking garage opposite the downtown theater. It will have a park on top it seems. Jim and I walk by there pretty regularly as a break in the afternoon as we eat our lunches at our desks. The crane operator in the center must get a fair amount of exercise having to climb down and then up each time he needs to run the crane. | ![]() |
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As yesmail.com sends mass market emails for companies like Nike and Cocacola, we get real busy toward the end of the year (that is the busy time for most retailers). So, for the last three years we have delayed the annual holiday party until March / April. This year it was at the Sellwood Public House. Above on left is Steve(?) and Ad. Ad is the head of the Portland support team who configures and maintains our local hardware. Steve is his brother and owns / runs the Sellwood Public House. It is an interesting question, is it nepotism to have our party there (destroying morale and such) or great team building to develop connections with family members. In this case I think it was the latter, but what makes it so? The Portland office is growing so there were lots of people there (many new to me, but that is to be expected). Above and here is Eugene, an old Data Specialist, now DBA. There are several fine musicians working for the company and they jammed a little (below on right, Ad at left, Grant on drums). Next to that is my boss's boss, John with his family. It was a very nice party. | ![]() |
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This page was last updated on June 27, 2007.