  Local stars, choose better candidate
    Barnard's Star - 6 light years, 2 gas giants

  Required acceleration
    Diameter of moon 3476 Km
    Diameter of Pluto 2300 Km
    Diameter of Mars 6787 Km
    Speed of Light 300 million m/s
  Required decleration
    Diameter of Jupiter 142,800 Km

Straight line acceleration
v = 3 * 10^6 m/s
d = 2.3 * 10^6 m
v = A * t
d = 1/2 * A * t^2
2.3 * 10^6 m = 1/2 * 3 * 10^6 * t  m / s
t = 2* 2.3 / 3 s ~ 2 s
A ~ 1.5 * 10^6 G

Surface circular acceleration
100G = 9800 m / s^2
C = v^2/r
g = G * m / d ^ 2
EV = ( 2 * G * m / R )^0.5
  Diameter = 12756 km
  Mass = 5.98 x 10^24 kg
  Escape Velocity = 11,200 m/sec
  gE = 9.8 m / s^2
  Diameter 51,118 km
  Mass = 8.686 x 10^25 kg
  Escape Velocity = 21300 m/sec
  gU = 9.8 MU * DE^2 / ME * DU^2
  Diameter = 49528 km
  Mass = 1.02 x 10^26 kg
  Excape Velocity = 23300 m/sec
10000 m / s^2 = v^2 /  50,000 m
v = ( 5 * 10 ^ 8 ) ^ .5 m / s ~ 2 * 10 ^ 4 m / s 
Drats!  Hardly better; darned v^2 (as above)!

Straight ion rocket acceleration
3 * 10^6 m/s = 10 m/s^2 * t
t =  3 * 10^5 s
day = 3600 * 24 s ~ 9000 s
t ~ 30 day
Feasible with enough mass/fuel to sustain it.

  Atomic Weight(0) = 1.007 825 032 1
  Atomic Weight(1) = 2.014 101 778 0
  Atomic Weight(2) = 4.002 603 249 7
25% efficiency 
  4.0026 * v^2 = .25 * c^2 * ( 2 * 2.0141 - 4.0026 ) 
  v = .04c
Fusion reactor with particle accelerator for helium
by product gives required acceleration.  Lower efficiency
only decreases effectiveness by square root of decrease.

Duration of acceleration and deceleration, about 3 years.

Ship - Barnhard's Explorer

  David Intel (pro-forma captain)
  Deborah Nec (NuDroid Team Lead)
  James Michaelson, TruDroid creator
  Kathy Kirkland, Jame's wife

NuDroid Team 
  Franz Peege (inactive)

  Amin Attson (Franz TruNet test lead)
  Catrina Cisco, Amin's wife (Franz TruNet test)
  Ivan Ciscoson (Franz TruNet test)
  Sylvia Esbece (Franz TruNet test)

  Gopali Lucent, Rajesh's wife (new TruDroid lead) 
  Rajesh Lucent (new TruDroid)
  Anita Att, single (new TruDroid)
  Sachi Entete (new TruDroid)
  George Hypernet (new TruDroid)
  Linda Quotron (new TruDroid)
  Kumran Attson (new TruDroid)

  Susan Att (first inactive, space operations team)
  Melanie Entete (first with inactive TruNets)

  Connie Att

Time Line
  2050 Technology Limit
  2082 TruNet Released
  2105 TruDroid Released
  2116, March 11 TruDroid Millenium 
        April 7 Citizen Date 
  2153 Deborah manufacture date
  2157 David manufacture date
  2194 Launch Barnard Explorer
  2241 TruNets start functioning
  2517 Arrive Barnard's Star


Meeting with group
  Deborah bothered by irrelevant human emotions
  Problems: 25% unresponsive
  New designs don't work
  Old methods don't work

  All structures were aimless, no goals.
  Structured exactly like human nets, worked.
  Droids declared selves citizens.
  Controlled world, no meaningful resentment, no fanfare
  Started space expansion, moon launcher, astro mines, space elevator, pluto base/launcher     
  Funded 'privately', dissidents sent, resented human frailities.

  Flight, higher percentages never powered up as trip progressed.
  No cause, replacement sub-nets aimless.
Planet has life, only single celled.
Replacement sub-nets working, ...

Look at Jame's philosophical writings.
Consciousness grows or takes to familiar settings only.
Request living things sent from earth
New designs only a little different, requires death

Couple chooses voluntary death versus gradual decline,
Finds love, chooses to keep human instincts.