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At the Buddhist retreat at Woodstock, NY in 2009, the theme of the teaching was the the nine steps of meditation in the Hinayana tradition. This process can lead to self liberation, but not enlightenment. The difference, as I understand it, is that through these very mind oriented techniques of meditation you can eliminate all misery and suffering from your life (and become self liberated), but it does not bring joy into your life, you do not taste the sweetness of life which is the fruit of full enlightenment.

The problem as I see it is that any mind based techniques are only really useful at eliminating the wrong thinking which is the cause of our misery and suffering. However, to bring joy into our lives we need to open our heart and really appreciate the connection we have to the people around us. I personally don't see how anyone could really reach self liberation, beyond all misery and suffering, without discovering the joy of living, celebrating our connections to the people around us. This is not to say that people can't get way out of balance, creating a dull and empty life, without misery and suffering, but also lacking in joy. Indeed, this seems to be the natural result of many spiritual paths. The teachings are communicated mostly in words, invoking the processes of the mind. However, a proper balance requires also invoking the heart.


In that regard, chanting (or simple repitions of uplifting phrases to a beautiful tune) is most useful. I think of chanting as a form of group meditation. Meditation helps us maintain an inward focus. However, just as an angry person can change the atmosphere of an entire room and group of people, we can also share our love and compassion. A group sitting together in meditation can share their intention and the rewards of meditation which can be a valuable aid to meditation. Chanting is an especially valuable form of meditation as it allows me to lose myself in the beauty of the chant. A chant can bring up the feelings which we need to really appreciate the sweetness of life and bring joy into our lives.

Sufi dances or, in particular, the Universal Dances for Peace around the world, are especially valuable as they rely on hymns from all major religious traditions for the chants and add simple movements (often in a circle) to increase the effect. I have found them very powerful at bringing up the feelings which make my life sweet.

This is of particular importance as I, like many people in the West, have a tendency to analyze things, using my mind as a tool in all aspects of my life which certainly includes my spiritual efforts. While the mind is a most useful tool in eliminating negativities of any kind (in particular misery and suffering), it needs to be balanced with the heart. Of course service is essential in making our life sweet (perhaps the most important aspect of a spiritual path), but chanting (and sufi dance) can directly bring up the feelings which we need. We need a balance of meditation, analytic thought and contemplation (to develop and maintain an inward foucs), chanting (to bring up the joy of life) and service (to make the fruits of our practices real and of lasting value). This is what I believe is the most direct path to a truly sweet and fulfilling life and is what I recommend.

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This page was last updated on November 29, 2009