Allah's Creation

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Allah1 is Subtle

Sometimes I am frustrated that I can't prove that Allah exists, but when I think about it, it is really very good. It is so easy to see Allah in everyone and everything if we choose to look. However, Allah is always subtle (never directly visible) so that if someone does not want to see Allah, they can choose not to see Allah. That frustrates me at times, as I want force them to see Allah, but when I look inside myself, I really want to show them how smart I am (it is a matter of pride) and that is not a good thing. There are also times when I wish that I could help people see Allah to make their lives easier (which is a good reason based on compassion), but that is also pride as I don't really know what problems they need to face and how they need to grow. I know that Allah will be available to them whenever they are ready to see Allah (Allah does not turn his back on anyone). Also, in my own life I have seen that I only really learn and grow when I am faced with problems and so need to learn that Allah always presents us with the right problems at the right time. It is good for me to pray for them and that they learn quickly and see Allah soon (that helps me develop compassion), but still accept that Allah really knows best and will choose the best path for them. I also believe that if I pray for them with great compassion, then because we are all different parts of Allah and connected to each other, my prayer will help them make better choices and may speed them learning what they need to learn. My prayers are good, but Allah knows what is best.

Allah's Gift

One of Allah's greatest gifts to us is the laws of science. It is the laws of science (or the rules of the universe) which make many things predictable and consistent. Without the laws of science, we could not really live. For example, if gravity were to stop working, we would all spin off the Earth and die within a few minutes. Thankfully the laws of the universe seem to have been remarkably consistent for millenia. Choices would not be meaningful unless many events or outcomes were consistent and predictable. This allows us to learn from past events and develop the discipline to follow through with better choices in the future. In this sense the rules of the universe are such a blessing to us.

Of course with the recent progress that we have made in learning and understanding the laws of science, it makes it easier for people to believe that everything is controlled by the laws of science and that there is no place for Allah. As noted above, I am happy that this choice / belief is available to all, though this sort of atheist pre-determinism is most unsatisfying as discussed previously. However, the reality is that consciousness does exist and does impact the universe we live in (perhaps the greatest miracle of all in my book).

Allah's Creation

According to Hindu / Yogic scriptures, Allah created the entire universe out of Allah's own body and the entire universe expresses the will of Allah. While this troubles many who consider Allah as separate from us, it is, in fact, the logical consequence of believing in an all powerful and all knowing God. For me, I see that my wishes and expectations do, in fact, have impact on my body (through the placebo effect, for example) and, more subtly on those around me. Prayers are, in my experience, always answered, mostly through the people around me, but also through things. For example, if I am supposed to be late to an appointment, then the carburator of my car might flood or one of my tires could be flat. All things will still be true to their nature (obeying the laws of science), but within the range of things which are possible, they will always happen to support the greater good.

In essence, if you believe in an all powerful God who has impact on our lives, then you almost certainly believe that God acts through subtle changes and coincidences, mostly through people, but also through things. In that sense, every person and every thing expresses the will of Allah and so is the body of Allah, expressing Allah's will just as our body (which is made up of trillions of living cells) expresses our will even though that will may not be readily apparent to the different cells. Any belief in an all powerful God is, in fact, a denial of our separation from God and an admission that everything which exists is an expression of God's will and the underlying harmony of all things.

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1 The start of this rambling tale was written ages ago to a Muslim friend in an email. I used Allah in the email as that is the Arabic word for God and they are synonyms to me. When I wanted to expand on the earlier email, it did not feel right to change the usage as they are synonyms to me. However, you are welcome to substitute whatever word you prefer for Allah be it God or fate or whatever.

This page was last updated on August 16, 2010