On Christmas Eve we went driving through North Dallas looking at
Christmas lights. We took Mike's Previa (the Toyota minivan) as it seats seven.
There were Mike, Lama La, Tacho, Tashi, John, and me. On the left is Tashi in
front of a 'Merry Christmas Yall' sign. |
There were lots of really nice houses (too many to take pictures
of), but we saved the most grandiose for last. On the left are Lama La and Tashi
exploring the lights there. Then on Christmas days a group of people from the
KTC Center got together to put up the tent which Lama La brought back from his
recent trip to Tibet. First we laid out all the parts. |
Then we took the roof sections out of their bags and started
assembling the poles. There were lots of ropes to attach and Lama La, being a
good teacher, taught us new knots that easily come undone. Then we raised
the poles by pulling on two of the support ropes. Then the top roof shaped
up as the ten support ropes for it were staked. |
The tent is made of cotton for most of the fabric with yak
wool for the edges and attachments. There are two layers of roof with the
top one to drain off the rain and keep the lower one dry. We raised the
lower roof (another ten ropes to stake) and then hung the walls with hooks
to the lower roof. Isn't the result beautiful. When they stayed in Tibet
they lived in this tent for several days. |
Once the tent was up we had snacks. Then there was a
'Chinese Gift Exchange'. Each person brought a present which was put
into a pile. Then we took turns choosing and opening presents.
The thing was that a person could choose to take any of the already
open presents or a new present. So popular presents were often taken
away (or stolen). The person who lost the present could then choose a
new present. However, they couldn't take back the stolen present directly
and each present could only be stolen three times at most. As you can see,
it was quite lively and a lot of fun. I gave away a plant. I got chocolates.
That was perfect as it makes less for me to travel with (always good when you
are sleeping in your car). |