Trip to Texas


Trip to Texas

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In Mississippi along US 90 there were really impressive beaches (and I don't think of Mississippi and nice beaches). As I headed into Louisiana the country side shifted to sugar cane fields. There were both newly planted and fully grown fields (shown on right). They were harvesting cane as I drove by (but on the wrong side of the road from a lighting perspective as you can see below). The machines seem to chop up the cane into shorter pieces and shoot it into trailers. Beach off US90 in Mississippi. Sugar Cane fields off US 90 in Louisiana.
The harvesting machines leave the leaves and such along the field (not shown). That is left to dry for a few weeks and then is often burned (I surmise, though I never saw that close up, only from a distance). Then they till the very dark soil (now) and plant the next crop. As I got further into Louisiana the country side was rice fields (some of which were flooded clueing me into it being rice) and then back to pasture for cattle in Texas. I stayed the night at Flying J's (a truck stop) in Orange, TX (just before Beaumont, TX) where I showered for $5. Then I took US69 and US175 on into Dallas, TX. Sugar Cane being harvested. Sugar Cane trailers waiting to be filled.
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This page was last updated on August 14, 2004.