Travels, Return to New York, 2009

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IBM Research Hawthorne, NY. =0= IBM Research Hawthorne, NY. =0=
IBM Research was expanding when I came to work for them in 1982 and shortly thereafter most of the computer folks moved to a new leased building in Hawthorne, NY, shown here and above. The main Research facility had wet labs for the physical scientists, but this wasn't required for the computer folks and they really weren't able to expand the main facility anymore. My office for much of that time was in the right end of the T (the office with the angled window above). The back side of the building is built into the hill, shown here. IBM Research Hawthorne, NY. =0=
IBM Research Hawthorne, NY. =0= IBM Research Hawthorne, NY. =0=
After I left IBM Research in 1989, IBM had some tough times and Research struggled a bit, but after a few years things picked up and again and the leased another building shown here and above. North of White Plains (where the Verizon facilities were) and Hawthorne was Yorktown where I lived and where the main IBM Research facility (above) was located. Below is a picture from the Taconic State Parkway, the road I commuted on most every day for almost twenty years. It runs through Westchester County most of the way up to Albany. It is real pretty as is most of Westchester County north of White Plains. I wanted to get a picture of the main lab, but the facility is now more secure and visitors aren't allowed to drive through and take pictures and such (the security used to be mostly at the building entrances, no so much access to the parking area). Anyway, I found the picture below of the semi-circle shaped building (40 corridors) on the web. IBM Research Hawthorne, NY. =0=
Taconic State Parkway, Yorktown, NY. =0= IBM Research, Yorktown, NY. =0=
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This page was last updated on September 8, 2009.