Here is Yang, one of the Chinese pianists from the Music Conservatory who are good friends of Arnold and Esther. The next morning (October 21) there was a brunch at Pete's restaurant (same place as the rehearsal dinner, but in a differen
t room). |
Allie, Robin and Stephen's daughter, was at the wedding at the start (helped throw more rose petals with Jesse), but didn't make it until the end; she got fussy as toddlers are wont to do. However, she was in good humor for the brunch an
d I finally got some nice pictures of her. Next is Stephen and his mom, Marilyn. |
Here is another picture of Allie. In the background is Richard. I took several pictures of Richard directly, but most didn't come out as nice as this. What to do? Richard is Esther's nephew (Jerry's son). Next is a picture of Ken and
Joan. Ken is Esther's cousin and they came to the wedding from Vermont. |