Debra and Randy's Wedding in Florida


Debra and Randy's Wedding in Florida

Click here to see the rest of my stay in Florida.

Click on any of the little pictures to see it full size (as big as it goes).

Here is Ying, another of the Chinese musicians. Next is Beverly and Richard. Beverly is Esther's sister in law, Jerry's wife. Ying. Beverly and Richard.
This is Tao, the third of the four Chinese musicians who attended. After that is a picture of Arnold and Jesse after they noticed I was taking pictures. Tao. Arnold and Jesse.
Here are a couple of nice pictures of Allie and Robin. I don't think I ever got a picture of Robin without her noticing. Oh well, we all need challenges in our lives. Allie in Robin's lap. Robin.
Here is Sarah. She is a long time friend of Debra's from Great Neck, NY. I even knew her then though we didn't recognize each other right away (it had been over 25 years). Last is the view from the windows in the brunch area of Pete's restaurant. Sarah. View from brunch area at Pete's.
Click here to see the rest of my stay in Florida.

Page last updated November 27, 2001