Legal Issues
Most of these pages were a sort of dialog as things happened in my life. However,
there have been a series of legal issues that have come up where the events had
longs delays in between (as is common with litigation), so this page has a series
of links to the sections where they were described. I have split the descriptions
into two threads because the Oregon litigation has a separate time line.
The first disputes, Karyn's orders, and my arrest
occurred early in 2004.
Next up was my initial efforts to appeal the Order.
On December 10, 2004 there was the non hearing and notice of appeal.
In the spring of 2005 I put together my Brief (for the appeal) along with transcripts and pictures from the electronic record.
In mid 2006 got the response from the Washington Court of appeals
and made my Petition to the Washington Supreme Court..
In July of 2006 I submitted a Motion
to the Washington Supreme Court.
In August of 2006 I got the reply to my Motion which
was as expected, denying the first two points (but it never hurts to ask and might
be useful later) and generally granting the important point of expanding the record.
In early 2007 I got the Decision of the Washington
Supreme Court and it was as I feared; they declined to consider the matter.
That makes me sad as it appears that Washington State courts don't really follow
government of law but rather have their own little fiefdoms (strong man rules).
However, they did inspire me to start a new web page (and potentially
a series) about the importance of government of law.
I also expect to start a grass roots, self help
focused on Clark County Domestic Violence cases as that is where their abuse
is most apparent. So sad, it would have been so much nicer if they had done the right thing.
Oh well, what to do?
When I was preparing for my federal suit (which seemed to be inevitable
given the way they practice law in Washington) and have
found preliminary
indications that there is widespread sexual bias against men in domestic violence
The federal suit is finally coming to a conclusion. It even has its own page.
Both the dismissed, but that is no surprise. Judges don't like to rock the boat and
on issues like this, the Circuit Court would pretty much ignore whatever the
trial court judge said in any case. So, we will soon be off to the Ninth Circuit
Here is the Oregon litigation time line.
Toward the end of 2005 I started request to have
my Oregon arrest expunged.
In July of 2006 I submitted my Brief to the
Oregon Court of Appeals.
In September 2006, Oregon's Department of Justice asked for a
161 day extension which they got pretty much automatically
but I replied opposing the extension and asking for other relief
such as expanded record and so on. Litigation certainly teaches a person patience.
I got another motion in Oregon asking for an extension to submit their
brief (to May 1, 2007, pretty boiler plate, just like their previous motion).
However, the court did not accept their motion and instead noted
that they needed
to respond to my motion from September 18, 2006. What is up with that? Anyway,
it gave me a reason to submit a new motion to supplement
including 2007 in the record.
The Court of Appeals finally resolved part of my two previous Motions with an
Order that allows me to supplement the Record, but makes
no reference to the other part about Supplementing my Brief. What to do?
In June of 2007 I got another request for an Extension of Time from Oregon.
I submitted a Motion to
Supplement my Brief and to
Deny further Extensions of Time. The Oregon DOJ
opposed the denial of further
extensions of time and I responded.
In September of 2007 I got the Reply Brief. At first
I was a little surprised that it was a substantially defensive strategy thryin to
avoid the tough arguments, but after I thought about it I was surpriesed that I was
surprised. It is exactly the strategy that I would have taken. It is also the
strategy taken by the DA ages ago and I had argued against that strategy, so it
is OK. Now we wait and see Will the Court of Appeals consider the tough issues
or just follow the DOJ's lead and ignore them. We will see.
Just after the Federal District Court made its
in early November of 2007, the Oregon
Court of Appeals responded with a lengthy answer, of 'AFFIRMED WITHOUT OPINION'.
Even with such a lengthy document I was able to scan it in and convert
it to formatted text. ;-)
I submitted a Petition
for Judicial Review to the Oregon Supreme Court. I had been considering
submitting a Complaint for the Orgeon Federal District Court
(with a motion to remove the
state action as the state claims it doesn't have jurisdiction to enforce due
process and the 14th amendment, go figure), but have decided not to bother.
So far the Oregon courts have played by the rules and if the Oregon Supreme
Court doesn't express an interest in the matter (the normal response) then it
will be simple to go to the federal courts as the Oregon courts claimed a lack
of jurisdiction.
I got back the expected denial
from the Oregon Supreme Court. In the next
month I will be filing my Complaint with the Oregon Federal District Court.
Microsoft also has been bothering about by my pages on
MS CD Keys and
OEM Numbers.
They sent numerous complaints to whoever was my web server for those pages,
but only via email and they were
all virtually identical with numerous threatening and misleading terms.
I made a couple of responses via email, but they just
ignored them. When they complained to my latest server in Australia I sent them
a certified letter and that bought some time. Next time
I complained I got a response via email, but no address and no resolution. What
to do?
I have started a page about my
unemployment claim and the different papers
which were filed.
This page was last updated on January 30, 2009