Travels, Life in Albany, 2010

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I40, North Carolina. =0= I40, North Carolina. =0=
The drive to Chattanooga was also frustrating. I checked Google and it listed I40 as being closed (due to a land slide) close to the Tennessee broder. However, this time Google recommended a pretty direct route where you took US Rt 74 further south just before I40 turned north and was blocked. Above and here are pictures from I40 in North Carolina just before the recommended detour at Asheville (below) where people went north on US Rt 19 to take I81 to join I40. However, I continued on on I40 and it got pretty empty (also below). I40, North Carolina. =0=
I40, North Carolina. =0= I40, North Carolina. =0=
US Rt 74, North Carolina =0= US Rt 74, North Carolina =0=
The drive on US Rt 74 was really pretty going through the Great Smokey and Cherokee National Parks (above). The natural beauty was enhanced by snow which didn't stick, just made the roads wet. However, it was a little stressful as I wondered if the snow would be sticking and piling up further west where I was headed. US Rt 74 also started out as divided highway, but turned into a normal highway (below). I have gotten a new phone, a Droid, and its GPS was great here as it was happy to follow the directions it got from Google which suggested getting off I40 and taking US Rt 74 as Google knew that a stretch of I40 was closed. US Rt 74, North Carolina =0=
US Rt 74, North Carolina =0= US Rt 74, North Carolina =0=
US Rt 74, North Carolina =0= US Rt 74, North Carolina =0=
As I got further into the parks, the highway got more narrow and winding, but the scenery was all the more gorgeous. I drove along a river which had lots whitewater rafting establishments. US Rt 74, North Carolina =0=
US Rt 74, North Carolina =0= US Rt 74, North Carolina =0=
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This page was last updated on March 23, 2010.