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I stopped off to visit my cousin Vinson and his wife Anne. I had visited them previously in 2001 and 2005. Vinson is doing well having his leukemia declared in remission with good white blood counts after having gone through a round of chemo several years ago. However, Anne had colon cancer and had just started a round of chemo that will continue on into September. She was still feeling pretty well when I visited. Her mom, Verna is now 103 years old and had to be placed in a nursing home (above) where she is in an Alzheimers wing. Vinson visits her each day to feed her lunch (above and video). Here is Dierdre, one of the staff nurses, and Vinson. | =0= |
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The Alzeheimers wing seems very comfortable and friendly. The wing holds up to 12 residents and now has about ten with ten women and two men which seems to be a pretty normal ratio as men often don't survive long enough to suffer from Alzheimers. The first day we visited Verna was pretty out of it but on the second day she seemed much more aware which is also pretty common I am told. Vinson stills loves to play the piano as shown here and in this video. Bloomington was have a recycling day where people could drop off their old electronics at the University of Indiana shown below and in this video. They were quite prompt in unloading with numerous lanes and lots of what appeared to be day laborers to move the items. They stacked them on pallets and shrink wrapped them for shipment and processing. | =0= |
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Anne likes to work on jigsaw puzzles in the sun room as shown here and I enjoyed helping with a couple of puzzles while I visited. Needless to say she is very good at them. I visited Vinson and Anne in early April and the trees in front of their house were just gorgeous as shown below. | =0= |
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This page was last updated on April 19, 2010.