Travels, Life In Albany, 2010

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Eric. =0= Brian. =0=
We wandered for a bit and then there was a guided tour led by a volunteer, shown here. While we waited for the tour to start, Eric and I meditated for a bit (shown above). The stained glass was absolutely gorgeous, but the pictures of them don't really do them justice. What to do? National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0=
National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0= National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0=
National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0= National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0=
By the time our group made it to the very front section, the wedding party had left and I was able to get these pictures of that small section. This section (the top of the cross, so to speak) was very finished very finely. There were a limited number of seats facing the sides as shown below. National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0=
National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0= National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0=
National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0= National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0=
Above is the altar at the end of the top section along with the railing for communion and such. Here is a picture of one of the sets of organs in that section of the cathedral. Off to the side of the main section was one of several chapels with an impressive altar as shown below. National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0=
National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0= National Cathedral, Washington, DC. =0=
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This page was last updated on August 7, 2010.