Travels, Life In Albany, 2010

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Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0= Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0=
There lots of rocks along the way, hard to imagine how they farmed this area. However, the rocks were often quite interesting, sedimentary rocks like the one shown above; looked a little like granite, but sedimentary. Also above is an old wall in pretty good repair and a meadow which was recently given over to the woods (the trees are mostly saplings). I made a short video of the sounds of the trail. We also crossed a power line shown below. Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0=
Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0= Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0=
Here are more pictures from the trails. These trails were not used very often and were pretty overgrown at places making for slower progress. Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0=
Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0= Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0=
Above are pictures of Marlene a social worker who works at a prison to the SW of Albany and her son William. He was only about ten years old but had a tremendous vocabulary and was great fun to talk to. Below is a picture of William taking a picture of a giant polypore. Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0=
Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0= Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0=
Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0= Alejandro and Yolanda. =0=
Above are pictures of Yolanda and Alejandro. They recently returned Bolivia (along with Jolene) where they been working and are now all staying in NYC. John used the timer on his camera to take the picture below of the whole group with Susan, John, Brian, William, Marlene, Yolanda, and Jolene as well as the great picture of Susan below. The hike turned out to be pretty challenging and we didn't finish until about 4:30PM. We were beat, but it was a great hike! Delaware County Catskills Hike, NY. =0=
Susan, John, Brian, William, Marlene, Yolanda, and Jolene. Susan.
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This page was last updated on September 16, 2010.