Travels, Life In Albany, 2010

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Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0= Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
The trail was just gorgeous with the crunching snow and frost on the trees as shown above. If you look closely at the picture on the right you can see the patterns in the frost on the tree limbs. Cool! Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0= Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
Brian. =0= Brian and Jim. =0=
John and Tracy took these pictures of me and the group. Above is a picture of Jim who is really a large man (not clear in that picture). I heard that the first time Jim climbed Berlin mountain he had a couple of pebbles in his boots (one in each boot) which he left at the top of the mountain. Those were the rocks which we sat on when we stopped to snack at the top and which Tracy used to support her camera (further below) for the group shots below. In the second we were trying for a Captain Morgan pose, but I didn't remember who Captain Morgan was. Doh! Brian. =0=
Tracy, Dave, Charlie, Brian, John, Dave C, and Jim. =0= Tracy, Dave, Charlie, Brian, John, Dave C, and Jim. =0=
Tracy. =0= Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
The trees were particularly beautiful toward the top with frost, snow would have been on the top, but frost was on the leeward side of the limbs. Here, if you look closely, is a pine tree covered in snow. The trail had about two feet of snow, but the section we talked on was compressed to about a foot. One time I was appreciating the frost on the trees and not paying attention to where I stepped and slipped off to the right side. The snow was DEEP and cold. Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0= Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
Below are views of the peak of Berlin mountain. You can see one of the hikers standing on one of big Jim's rocks. ;-) Here is a small pine tree all decked out with snow. The peak of Berlin mountain is pretty flat and wind blown, but there wasn't much of a breeze during our break (and we were thankful for that). It was pretty warm that day, just under freezing. Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0= Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0= Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
The trail down was pretty steep and there was one section where Tracy human luged down on her snow pants, but sadly I did not get my camera out in time. Oh well, perhaps next time. Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
It was a good hike with lots of fresh air and exercise. The view from the trail head parking lot was very nice. Snowshoe hike to Berlin Mountain, Taconic Crest Trail, NY. =0=
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This page was last updated on January 22, 2011.