Travels, Life In Albany, 2011

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

Watervliet, NY. =0= Watervliet, NY. =0=
Toward the end of January we got a couple of big snow storms which left large piles of snow and ice along the streets and sidewalks. I took the pictures above in my neighborhood in Watervliet. I also went on a hike along Spruce Bog Trail in Grafton , NY. I had gotten a second battery for my camera on eBay (like $5 including S&H), so that I wouldn't have to worry about having a low charge when I am out, but swapped batteries and forgot to recharge the alternate. Doh! Other than this picture from the start of the hike all of the pictures below were taken by others on the hike and shared on Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
iMapMyRun: Jan 22, 2011 01:47 PM (6.67 mile), Cropseyville, NY. =0=
iMapMyRun: Jan 22, 2011 01:47 PM (6.67 mile), Cropseyville, NY iMapMyRun: Jan 22, 2011 01:47 PM (6.67 mile), Cropseyville, NY. =0=
Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
It was a pretty large crowd, about 20. Lauren got tired of following behind and tried to pass on the right (making a new trail which is way harder than following the packed trail) and tripped on a branch across her path (below). Doh! We all had a good laugh. Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
When Lauren next made her move (coming up on the left this time) we were all with her chanting 'Go Lauren, go Lauren, go Lauren'! However, as she passed one of her friends, Jason, grabbed onto her and took her down (above). I was a little taken aback, but everyone took it well; we all had a good laugh. I am in the pictures below along with our wonderful leader, Charlie. Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
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This page was last updated on May 19, 2011.