Travels, Life In Albany, 2011

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Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
It was really gorgeous trek. Below are Jason and Lauren. Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Jason and Lauren. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
It was a wonderful trek to the firetower where we took our lunch break. Violet, below, had a great time making snow angels. Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Violet. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0= Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
While I was always warm enough on the trek, taking your gear on and off was a real pain. Hard to do with gloves on and it was bitter cold if you had your gloves off for long. The stairs to the tower were snow covered and snow shoes are terrible to climb in. I skipped climbing the tower but love the pictures which others took. :-) Below is a picture of Jason pretending to lick the tower. Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0=
Spruce Bog Trail, Grafton , NY. =0= Jason. =0=
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This page was last updated on May 19, 2011.