Travels, Life In Albany, 2011

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

Trail to Shi Shi Beach, WA. =0= Brian. =0=
As we neared the end of the trail, there were some awesome views of the beach and ocean (above). The trail down to the beach got pretty steep as you can see here. There were even ropes to help with the particularly steep section. Cathy. =0=
Trail to Shi Shi Beach, WA. =0= Brian. =0=
Trail to Shi Shi Beach, WA. =0= Shi Shi Beach, WA. =0=
Shi Shi beach was really impressive. It is hard to emcompass the full impact in a single picture so I made a short video. Here is a picture of Cathy as we had a picture dual, taking pictures of each other taking pictures. Cathy. =0=
Shi Shi Beach, WA. =0= Shi Shi Beach, WA. =0=
Shi Shi Beach, WA. =0= Shi Shi Beach, WA. =0=
Here is a picture of Cathy collecting Pacific water in a little bottle for me. I was in leaky sneakers and was more fearful of the waves and getting my feet wetter. Cathy. =0=
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This page was last updated on December 23, 2011.