Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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JFK AirTrain. =0= JFK airport terminal. =0=
At JFK, the connection from the subway to the airport and between the various terminals was regular subway cars, but newer and automated (it seems). That makes me wonder why so many airports have gone with the little 'monorail' cars. The A terminal at JFK focuses on international flight and had a bizaar feel. My flight was delayed about an hour, which was fine. It took almost nine hours. It was my first flight on a 777 and it was pretty spacious. Turkish Airline also has excellent service, great meals and other amenities. They haven't adopted the no amenities, all services for a fee approach of many U.S. airlines. Istanbul has a new airport with lower ceilings, most comfortable. Turkish Air 777. =0=
Istanbul Airport. =0= Istanbul Airport. =0=
Turyol Express Ferry. =0= Brian. =0=
I had visited Istanbul previously and so there are pictures of Istanbul in my travelogue from that time. We took a cab from the airport to the ferry and then took an express ferry (operated by a private company versus the larger and slower ferries run by the municipality) which took us across the Bosphorous from Europe to Asia. Then we took another cab to the Guest House where I am staying. Marmara University where Elif (shown here) is an Associate Professor has a Guest House, but it is being renovated. However, Elif is an environmental engineer and has good ties with the Turkish Hydrolgical Department and was able to make a reservation for me there. It is very nice. Like many government agency, has a compound with a gate (below) and residential housing as well. Also below are pictures of the Guest House. Elif. =0=
Compound Gate House Goes HereDSI, Istanbul, Turkey. =0= Guest House. =0=
Guest House Lobby. =0= Guest House Lobby. =0=
The lobby of the Guest House is most spacious, clean and functional. Much to my liking. The same is true of the room (above) and bathroom. The room even had a small porch area with a couple of chairs and a small table. Really quite nice and most reasonably priced, only 45TL a night, about $28. Guest House Bathroom. =0=
Guest House Room. =0= Guest House Porch. =0=
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This page was last updated on March 14, 2012.