Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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Bus 8E, Istanbul, Turkey. =0= Stop for Marmara University. =0=
Bus 8E goes right by the Guest House to Marmara University as well as the Metro Bus stations and ferry stations. It is shown above. Most of the municipal buses are quite moderm and they have a sign which displays the stops with the stop for Marmara University shown above. With that help I was able to get home to the Guest House on my own. The next morning, I took the bus back in and called Elif with a pre-paid cell phone that she had lent me. Elif met me at the gate (here) and walked me to the building with her office, the Civil and Environmental Engineering Building, B (below). As this campus is in the center of the city, it is pretty crowded. Marmara Univerity Entrance. =0=
Marmara University Campus. =0= Civil and Environmental Engineering Building, B. =0=
Elif's Building, Marmara University. =0= Elif's Building, Marmara University. =0=
Elif's building is an older building, but has a nice open space in the center with a skylight above (above). Here is her office. Elif, needed to collect the signature of a professor at ITE for a joint project she has proposed and is seeking funding for. So we took 8E again, this time to the City Center where there is a metro bus stop. The metro buses are a network of buses (all double that I saw) which have two lanes in the cetner of the freeways for just them so they make good time, though the stops are relatively far apart. Below are pictures of the Rectorate (or Central Administration) for ITU just inside the entry to the campus and also the Civil and Environmental Engineering Building where Elif studied and did her research for many years. This is new campus for ITU and pretty spacious. Elif's Office, Marmara University. =0=
ITU Central Administration, Istasnbul, Turkey. =0= ITU Engineering Building, Istasnbul, Turkey. =0=
Marmara University Dining Hall. =0= Marmara University Dining Hall. =0=
We headed back to Marmara University and walked to the dining hall where we were able to have lunch (above). They have separate serving lines and dining areas for academics, adminsrative personel and students. There were numerous protests during my stay, but I saw far more police than I did protesters. Here are a group of police at the Marmara university campus. Below is the lab at Marmara where Elif is setting up her experiments (previously from ITU) using various natural materials (like sand and cruched glass) to purify water measuring how the different layers get clogged and the resulting changes in pressure in the water at the various levels. Also below is a classroom (complete with overhead projector) similar to the one where Elif teaches undergraduate chemistry to engineers. Elif's water filtration testing equipment. =0=
Police at Maramara University. =0= . =0=
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This page was last updated on March 12, 2012.