Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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Rickshaw Ride, Delphi, India. =0= Rickshaw Ride, Delphi, India. =0=
Chuck had been particularly stressed by the walk across the pedestrian bridge as there were so many beggars and he had a hard time ignoring them (compassion is good). So we decided to take a three wheeled motorcyle or rickshaw back. I pre-negotiated the price of about $1. We all three sat in the back (it was pretty cozy, but not too bad) and off we went for a pretty hectic ride. The return in that direction was complicated by the construction of same made brigde / underpass. We took a U-turn that had us looking like we were driving over a cliff (really just a quite steep hill down on the far side) shown here (but not very well, but visibility was poor from the back seat in any case). He then merged into traffic (below) and we were hack to the Tibetan camp. Also below is Valerie walking the last few feet to the first entrance of the Tibetan Camp. Rickshaw Ride, Delphi, India. =0=
Rickshaw Ride, Delphi, India. =0= Valerie. =0=
Tara Guest House Renovation. =0= Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0=
While we were staying at the Tara Guest House, they were under extensive renovation throughout. Their restaurant were closed and they were plastering and painting the hallways. Above is the front desk at its worst. When we paid the night before leaving at 5AM, they were using a table set up beside me when I took this picture. When we left, the propietors were sleeping on the floor in front of this reception desk (we tried to leave quietly). That morning we were off to Sherab Ling Monastery, pretty much a full day trip. We mostly got through Delhi in the dark but as we progressed there were more animals (horses below) and less three wheeled motorcylce rickshaws. Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0=
Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0= Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0=
Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0= Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0=
The rickshaws of Delhi seem to have been replaced by lots and lots of motorcylces, generally of the smaller variety, motorscooter type, but mostly with four cycle engines. The natural gas vehicles were also left behind with Delhi. We were surprised to see many women riding the backs of motorcycles always sidesaddle (below). It looked very precarious to us, but the speeds were pretty low and two wheeled cycles are more stable than they look. We also started seeing a fair number of regular sized tractors pulling farm trailers (about as many as pulled by horses). Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0=
Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0= Trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0=
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This page was last updated on March 17, 2012.