Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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Elena and Sam. =0= Dharamsala 3 Wheeled Cab. =0=
We met our driver at the parking area just down the hill of the main market. There were several of the three wheeled cabs waiting there. I heard a few that sounded like two cycled engines, but most sounded like four cycle engines now. I was sitting in the front seat on the return and tried to capture the effect of driving on the narrow winding roads close to the abyss (steep drop offs) during our return trip to Sherab Ling Monastery. Return to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0=
Return to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0= Return to Sherab Ling Monastery. =0=
Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0= Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0=
We asked our driver to stop at the Karmapa's current residence which is at the Gyuto Tantric Monastery, a very nice monastery. It also seems to be from the Gelug lineage as the pictures looks like that of the Dalai Lama. Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0=
Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0= Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0=
Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0= Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0=
This monastery has a very nice and finished look. I was happy to be able to meditate in their shrine as well as the shrine where the Dalai Lama gives teachings. Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0=
Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0= Gyuto Tantric Monastery. =0=
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This page was last updated on March 22, 2012.