Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0= Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0=
Ralph has been leading different Meetup hikes in Pine Bush (Park), this one Blueberry Hill East. They are trying to return Pine Bush to its natural state. They have closed the old trails through the center and opened new trails around the outside to create a better sanctuary for birds and such in the center. It does make the traffic noice worse as Pine Bush is divided into smaller areas by major interstates and other highways. Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0=
Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0= Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0=
Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0= Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0=
They do controlled burns, but also mow to eliminate underbrush where necessary (to restore the dunes of old). There were sycamore trees which had holes drilled in their trunks for later application of herbicides. It was great to see the different sections of Pine Bush which I had heard about but never explored. Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0=
Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0= Blueberry Hill East, Pine Bush Park, Albany, NY. =0=
Trail Blazing, Grafton State Park, NY. =0= Trail Blazing, Grafton State Park, NY. =0=
That Saturday I went to a Meetup at Grafton State Park for a 'Love Your Park Trail Cleanup Days' to blaze a new trail with about a dozen volunteers (shown above). They had tied orange ribbons to trees along the expected route and then Chris (the leader) had put out little pink flags (also above, they are only visible in the enlargements). About half of us used pruning shears to clear away saplings and limbs from the trail and the remainder raked leaves away from the path. Trail Blazing, Grafton State Park, NY. =0=
After we finished for the day, I used my phone and Google My Tracks to record the section we had completed and saved it on Google Maps. We covered about a half mile it seems. Below is a picture of the crew that cleared saplings and limbs from the path. We dropped off the tools and went my White Lilly Pond which was on the new section of land that Troy (the city) had given to the park (and was where the new trails were being added). Trail Blazing, Grafton State Park, NY.
Trail Blazing, Grafton State Park, NY. =0= Trail Blazing, Grafton State Park, NY. =0=
Then we headed back to the Park Office where Chris (our leader, below) had arranged for lunch from a friends of the park group. A nice time was had by all. Trail Blazing, Grafton State Park, NY. =0=
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This page was last updated on April 29, 2012.