Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1976 Massachusetts Bicycling Trips

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Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Toward the end of the summer we did one trial ride of 200 kilometers headed north of Boston which is the hillier section of Massuchusetts. Steep hills make covering distance a lot harder because, from my perspective, when you go down the hill you go really fast and even have to use your brakes so that you have to make up for all that speed with tiring pumping up the hill. To the south of Boston the hills are very gentle and don't really impact your speed (wind drag goes as the cube of your velocity). We had planned the real ride would be to the South but we were so exhausted from the 200 kilometer ride that we never did the 200 mile ride. Oh well. Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
That summer we also took a weekend bike ride to Block Island. We rode down via Newport only to discover the main bridge across Narrangansett Bay did not permit bicycles (the joints allowing for span heat expansion were most hazardous for bicycles) so we had to hitch hike across the bridge. Bummer. We split up into two groups of two so I hitch hiked with Linda and Will hitched with Ginny. We were worried we would miss the last ferry out of Point Judith, but we made it in time. Whew. Block Island, CN =0=
Block Island, CN =0= Block Island, CN =0=
Block Island, CN =0= Block Island, CN =0=
Ginny had a friend who had a house on Block Island that we were allowed to use. We dug clams and had them for dinner. There weren't many roads around the island and they were awful for road bikes. There were many potholes and with our bikes they made for a rough ride (when you are on a fast ride you appreciated the road bikes but on rough roads you longed for those heavy Huffy's with their balloon tires and springs in the seat). Block Island, CN =0=
Block Island, CN =0= Block Island, CN =0=
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This page was last updated on December 30, 2007.