Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1976 Massachusetts Bicycling Trips

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Will, Linda, and Ginny =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
On many of our bike rides Ginny (shown above with Will and Linda) would join us. She was also an AI graduate student, though she was a divorced mother (her kids were grown) pursuing a new career. She was in the third department which permitted Computer Science degrees which I believe was the Psychology department under the tutelage of Seymour Papert and Logo teaching programs. On our rides we would generally stop for a high calory snack. Above we were stopping for an ice cream snack. Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Will had set himself a goal of bicycling 200 miles in a day and we were training up to that ride. Many mornings we would take a quick ride from Cambridge to Lexington in just over an hour. It was roughly 20 miles round trip so we set a pretty fast clip (and there was traffic most of the way so on this route we would be drafting the cars whether we liked it or not). Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
I don't remember these pictures, but my guess is that they are from the M.I.T. Lincoln Labs in Lexington, MA. Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
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This page was last updated on December 29, 2007.