Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1976 Massachusetts Bicycling Trips

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Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Below is a picture of Will and Linda with our bikes. Will's was fusche (i.e. pink), mine was blue, and Linda's was purple. Linda was from Madison, Wisconsin and her parents were of Japanese origin. She had the lightest (and most expensive) bike. She was a little self conscious about having the best bike and having a hard time taking the lead (breaking the wind for the group) very much, but I noted that her bike was the heaviest of all as a percentage of body mass (it wasn't that much lighter and she was way lighter than us hulks) and she felt a little better. People didn't know much about percentage of muscle mass then, but I don't know if her female hormones and the lower muscle mass would have made her feel better or worse. In any case, she was a fine mathematician and bicyclist whether she felt that way or now (though I was the one more prone to feeling inadequate as a mathematician). Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Will and Linda =0=
Will and Linda =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Above is another picture of Will and Linda and here is a picture of Linda. As you may have guessed, I was pretty sweet on Linda, but nothing ever developed. At one time we talked about that in generalities. She noted that I was leaving in two years no matter what and she wanted to establish herself in her career in Mathematics. Dropping out for an indeterminate number of years was no way to establish herself (and was more like career suicide). Linda =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
We would often take quick day trips of about 50 miles with about ten miles to get beyond the suburbs and then about 30 miles of pretty country roads before heading back in to Cambridge. Will chose really nice routes. Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0= Massachusetts Bicycling Trips =0=
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This page was last updated on December 29, 2007.