Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1977 Washington, D.C.

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Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. =0= Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. =0=
We also went down to D.C. and visited the Lincoln Memorial, shown above. While there I got some pictures of Barbara and the view of the Washington Monument and the mall from the Lincoln Memorial (below). Barbara =0=
Barbara =0= Washington Monument, Washington, D.C. =0=
? =0= Barbara =0=
We headed back to Massachusetts. Here are more pictures of Barbara. Barbara =0=
Barbara =0= Barbara =0=
Betty =0= Rick =0=
Above are two of Barbara's good friends from her college days at Bridgewater College, Betty and Rick. Barbara and I went to their wedding. Here is Barbara with one of her favorite animals, the camel (they spit). I am not sure what zoo this was. Boston? Below is a picture of my mom, Bertha, and the antelopes. Barbara =0=
Bertha =0= Antelopes =0=
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This page was last updated on January 10, 2008.