Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1977 Washington, D.C.

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

Michael =0= Barbara and Bertha =0=
Above is a picture of my brother, Michael, (wearing one of my favorite shirts, we are still about the same size, though his waist size has varied more than mine). Next to that is a picture of Barbara and my mom. Here is a picture of the giraffes and below are pictures of my brother and Barbara. Giraffes =0=
Michael =0= Barbara =0=
Giraffe =0= Kangaroo =0=
Above is a picture of a young giraffe and another of a kangaroo. Here and below are pictures of Linda and Charles. Linda was Barbara's room mate in college and Charles was Linda's high school boy friend and later husband. Linda =0=
Linda and Charles =0= Charles =0=
Here is another picture of Charles. These pictures were taken in front of Barbara's family home in Needham, MA. Below are pictures of me and Barbara. Charles =0=
Brian and Barbara =0= Brian and Barbara =0=
Here is another picture of Barbara. Barbara =0=
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This page was last updated on January 10, 2008.