Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1977 Nova Scotia, Canada

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Nova Scotia, Canada =0= Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
Nova Scotia had its own historical reconstructions with a distinctly Canadian focus of history (quite refreshing). Here are pictures of a reconstructino Port Royal Habitation which was built in 1605, but destroyed in the 1613 by colonists from Virginia. There was a later colony by the Scots (hence the name Nova Scotia) but that was seceded later to the French. Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
Nova Scotia, Canada =0= Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0= Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
Here are pictures from Fort Anne. There were forts around Port Royal since 1629 and the earth works of this fort were started in 1702. Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0= Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0= Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
Above and here are more pictures from Fort Anne. Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0= Fort Anne, Nova Scotia, Canada =0=
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This page was last updated on February 20, 2008.