Trip to Italy, 2007

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Statute of Dante. =0= Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0=
We got back to the Piazzi Santa Croce with the Bassilica di Santa Croce and I took the pictures above of the statue of Dante in front. The entrance was further back along the left side of the building just behind the statue. This cathedral is most famous for all the people buried there. I had strange interests and here is a picture of the tomb of Marconi (the inventor of the radio) just to the right of the painting. It is pretty tiny, but he is a new addition. Below are the tombs of Fermi (tiny, but also recent) and Michaelangelo. Marconi's Tomb. =0=
Fermi's Tomb. =0= Michaelangelo's Tomb. =0=
Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0= Dante's Tomb. =0=
Above on the left is a tomb for Dante, though it seems Dante is actually interred elsewhere. On the right is Galileo's tomb. Here and below are some impressive views of the interior of Bassilica di Santa Croce. Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0=
Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0= Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0=
Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0= Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0=
Nikki took these pictures. Above on the left is another picture of Dante's tomp. Here is Machivelli's tomb (Jay is a big fan of Machivelli, a much under appreciated philosopher. I really liked the picture below on the left. Nikki's camera did some really cool stuff with the lighting (or at least I don't remember anything like that). The exit from the Bassilica was on the other side of the building with a pretty garden shown below. Machivelli's Tomb. =0=
Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0= Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0=
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This page was last updated on October 21, 2007.