Trip to Italy, 2007

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Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0= Bassilica di Santa Croce. =0=
The courtyard outside the Bassilica di Santa Croce was pretty as shown above. On the walk back I saw a cute little three wheeled truck and took a picture of it with Nikki. There are other pictures from Rome, in 1978 and now and in Korea in 1978. We then walked back. That afternoon the kids relaxed and I went to a nearby laundramat. I had brought detergent from Jay's house. It was a pretty nice laundramat, but also pretty pricey, about $4.50 to wash and $4.50 to dry. However, it was lots easier than washing underwear in the shower. I did Nikki's and my underwear. Jay had brought enough for the trip. Three Wheeled Truck. =0=
Laundramat Florence, Italy. =0= Laundramat Florence, Italy. =0=
Florence, Italy. =0= Florence, Italy. =0=
Later that afternoon we walked to the super market shown above. It was only a block or so away from the hotel. I also really liked that the clerk was able to sit while she worked. Why don't we have that innovation back in the U.S. The next day we were off to Venice with a stop in San Marino. San Marino is an independent republic, not really a part of Italy. It is on a hill top as shown below. Italy. =0=
San Marino. =0= San Marino. =0=
San Marino. =0= San Marino. =0=
The bus took us up steep narrow switch back roads part way up the hill, but then we walked up the rest of the way to the top. San Marino seems to be quite well off economically (no need to taxes to maintain an army and such) and reminded me a little of Disney Land in that everything was just so, there were no unseemly dark alleys or such. From the top of the hill you could see the surrounding country side. San Marino. =0=
San Marino. =0= San Marino. =0=
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This page was last updated on October 21, 2007.